French Drains San Bernardino, California

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How French Drains Work 

There are many different types of French drains available in the market today. The various types of French drains include vertical, horizontal, PVC, and pipe French drains among others. For those who are looking for a new French drain for their home, it is best to identify the main differences between them before making your decision. Most French drains have the same purpose, but with slight variations on the materials used to build them.

A French drain is basically a long trench containing a perforated drain or gravel of varying depth and length that channels surface water away from a basement or crawl space. In case of a horizontal French drain, the length is usually two feet deep while the width is typically one and a half feet. The average weight of French drains is approximately thirty pounds per square foot. They are used to prevent flooding in basements and attics as well as to remove excess sewage from toilets and drains. The length and width of a French drain are determined by the type of soil conditions, it is intended to be placed in and by the construction of the French drain itself.

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What is the difference between a French Drain and a Drainage System? 

One major difference that is noticeable between French drains and other drainage systems is that there is a channel at the bottom that collects water and diverts it to a drainage pipe. In French drains, this channel is made out of perforations and is not a straight line, as is the case in PVC drains. The channels in a French drain are usually two to three feet deep. This channel serves another purpose as well. It acts as another level of footing for French drains, ensuring that the soil and excavations beneath the drain are not destroyed.

What factors should you consider before installation? 

There are a number of factors that need to be considered when conducting French drain installation, San Bernardino, CA. The most important factor is whether the drain will run parallel to a slope or take on an inclined slope. Most French drains will run parallel to a slope because this allows for better collection of runoff. If the slope is steep, it will also help to direct the water away from the home and drain it closer to the soil. Regardless of which way a French drain takes on an incline, however, the slope must be at least one foot higher than the height of the French drain itself. Additional considerations include the types of French drain pipes used and ensuring a proper French drain slope per foot to facilitate effective drainage.

Another consideration is whether the French drains will have a channel running underneath them or if there will be a dirt path. The French system does not utilize channeling and so there are more options available when it comes to managing runoff. For French surface drains, the channel running underneath can be constructed as a series of steps, while a dirt path can be constructed if there is not a very steep slope. With both types of French drains, though, runoff must be directed away from the house and down the driveway. Additionally, considering the French drain width is crucial to ensure it can handle the expected volume of water.

The channel option is one of the easiest ways to install French drains because it uses the least amount of excavation and work. The trench method, on the other hand, requires the digger to squeeze gravel into an opening large enough to accommodate the trench. Once in place, perforations are made in the clay, then a narrow passage is excavated and lined with heavy duty steel perforations. A french drain PVC pipe is inserted at the top of the perforation and the clay is pumped out to the bottom of the trench. The water is then allowed to flow through the French drain pipe types and drain away from the house.

If you are installing French drains on a slope, it is important to check whether or not there is any cross slope. In many areas, there will be a gradual decline in the hill that runs through your property. This means that over time, water may pool due to standing water on the slope. If this is the case, then the French drainage system will only work as intended if water will drain away from the home. Cross slope issues should be addressed when planning your landscape design. French drain types and French drain vertical considerations are also crucial elements to incorporate in the drainage strategy to ensure effective water management.

What are Drainage Systems? 

Drainage systems can create challenges when it comes to slope location and excavation methods. If you are unsure of how French drains will work in your yard, consult a landscape architect or local engineers. They will know the most effective locations for underground drains, as well as the safest and least expensive methods of excavation. After an inspection of your property, they will be able to estimate how much money it will cost to install the French drains. Once you have chosen the best location and have the clay excavated, you will be ready to install the French drains and stop the problem. If you need house foundation repair near me, make sure to contact us so that we can help you get all of your issues fixed quickly and efficiently.

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